Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

We wish blessings to you and your families today. As my husband read from Luke 1 today about the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth I thought of the things I have been trying to focus on this season which is not just baby Jesus but the faith of others that had to happen in order for there to even be the baby in the manager. The leadings of God and the faith of a young teenage mother who was willing right from the beginning, the strength of the earthly father and the faith that the two of them together shared. With everything falling into place in God's timing and the faith of all of these people here on earth. How often do we struggle with everyday occurrences that take away from our joy? And yet the only thing we need to do is look to the story of Jesus and not overlook the simple faith that those around him had and know that anything that comes our way can be solved through our faith that everything is in HIS hands. Peace to you today.

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