The biggest problem I have blogging is that I am not very good at keeping up with it! Much has gone on since the last post, almost too much to remember but I will try! I promised my little sis that I would post something! Our garden was pretty much a complete wash this year other than a few little tomatoes and two tiny summer squash that I brought in this week. Usually we are over run with those things, not this year! Thanks to Grandma Joyce we had canned goods in the pantry though! She brought probably the last of it yesterday. I felt so spoiled this year by her! I am so thankful, and I know she likes to keep busy too! Our 7th year of homeschooling started this year. I can't believe our youngest is now the same age as what our oldest was when we started this journey! We always have a few "hicups" the first couple of weeks and then we get back on track. Vacation in the U.P. was awsome again. We have been going to the same cabins for about 7 years now and were surprised to find a for sale sign on the property when we got there this year. It was somewhat sad knowing that we might not be going there next year if the owners change. We are overly busy with everything right now and I am still trying to fine tune all the activities so we are not overwhelmed (and right now we are!) The boys have stuck with their band and are getting ready to record a Christmas album. Very talented group of kids. 5 of the 8 band members played at a church function a couple weeks back, our two sons included, and I kid you not there were women CRYING in the pews. The kids did some old hymns and the two sister put together a medley of old fashioned hymns, it was amazing!!! They have finally decided on a band name it is "Hundred-fold Harvest" Scott and older daughter traveled to Pennsylvania on a business trip (Scott has taken one kid with him the last couple of years for this trip) the company he goes to every fall is just a group of great people and always make him feel at home when he is there. Well one of the ladies who works there does Dove chocolate parties, (I have never heard of these, but if one comes to town I WILL be there:)) so she took K. for the afternoon while Scott did other things and they made the CUTEST little chocolates and put them in little baggies and made wrappers for the top of the package. They looked just like little store bought packages! TOO CUTE this is right up her "artsy" side. She had a blast. My friend and I went the Northern Michigan Lamb and Wool Festival two weekends ago. We had a great time, we stayed up there in a hotel, took a sock knitting class and got to touch alot of wool and yarn and fiber ohhhhh! We may have some other big news on the horizon, but right now it is up in the air, but I will post something when we know more. Our female lab is due any day with her second batch of puppies. We have learned a whole lot from this breeding business. Like if you leave on vacation, and you think they are in their own kennels and nothing will happen, because she won't chew through wire, and wood, and more wire...think again! So the kids are excited about that. I have my "mama" hen sitting on about 13 eggs in the barn right now and hoping that they will hatch before it snows. I also have one pregnant angora rabbit. So it feels like spring in the baby animal area. Well that is it for now, the house is quiet and empty and I am going to take advantage of it and go spin some wool.

B. with her shiny new braces.

Our garden harvest!

K. and her delicious chocolates!!

J. got baptised in the St. Mary's River!

Whitefish Point

Me and my boys