What is that old saying about best laid plans?
Well I didn't do so well. I had every intention of working on my blog this summer and trying to learn more about it, well summer has come and gone and I haven't posted since May! Just not my season for this I guess. All is well here. Hubby and 2nd oldest are on a business trip to Pennsylvania this week. They are getting home today. We are so fortunate to homeschool so he can take a kid with him on a "field trip" and have some company while he works. Hubby is a chemist so this is also a science lesson for my son who was traveling with him. School is going well. We had a little bit of a bumpy start, but we had just returned from our week in the U.P. on the St. Mary's River and we all wanted to stay this year. Hubby and I are in the process of looking at "stuff" more seriously and how we do things. Its a long story but we know that some of the things we have always just done have become less than joyful and we both have been moved to change things. All is well with the animal part of the farm. We have turkeys to be butched next week. The rabbits are all good and kicking out the fur so much that with school starting I have boxes of it sitting right now:) I am trying to talk hubby into a chicken tractor next year so we can have some more "free rangers" than we do now, so I will also be able to find their eggs (little devils they are) The picture above is of our "puppy" Ardee, as you can see he is very, very large and just as spoiled! He is a hoot though. I never understood people not liking dogs (nice ones) they have such personalities especially him. Well I need to get the rest of my day started. I hope to do more posting but only time will tell!