Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a very peaceful and wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. We have spent time at home today with Hubby and the kids playing games and I have been making Farmhouse Cheddar Cheese with the cheese press Hubby got me for Christmas! Our oldest two boys have a couple of friends over (one all the way from Indiana who is spending a few days with us) The younger ones and I watched Little Women today (the one with Wynonna Rider and Susan Sarandon) I love that movie! I am pretty sure now I was shipped to the wrong century:)!!! I know God has plans for me here though. Hubby has diligently pursuing publishing houses for his book the last few weeks, and this morning he was surprised with an invited to a web-cast (I think this is what you would call it) to a Christian Devotional site here:
He will be on at 7:00p.m. eastern time tonight to talk about the site (he has a couple of submissions sent in here) and hopefully be able to mention his book and our convictions on family. We are really excited, and this is right up his alley (with the talking thing LOL)!!!!!!!!! I have another batch of angora rabbits, this time it is English ones. I hope to post some pics yet this weekend! I have quite a few for sale right now. With the cheese making going on in the kitchen, Hubby is considering some goats for the fam! (my dream) Hope everyone has had a blessed New Year!

1 comment:

OurCrazyFarm said...

Oh,I hope you can get a goat! I love ours:)) The cheese looks great! I was just talking to Rob today about teaching me how to make cheese this year. We should have kids in the next month or so; then plenty of milk again to try cheese. Happy New Year! Terri